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Robla School District
5428 Rose Street
SacramentoCA 95838
Phone: (916) 649-5248
Fax: (916) 992-0308

Governing Board

Craig DeLuz Craig DeLuz
Title: President
Work phone:
Home phone:
Ken Barnes Ken Barnes
Title: Vice President
Work phone:
Home phone:
Vice President
Raynell Hamilton-Starks Raynell Hamilton-Starks
Title: Clerk
Work phone:
Home phone:
Nuvia Cardona Nuvia Cardona
Title: Member
Work phone:
Home phone:
Sharona Devine Sharona Devine
Title: Member
Work phone: (916) 649-5248
Home phone:
Eileen Aguba Chen Eileen Aguba Chen
Title: Superintendent
Work phone: (916) 649-5248
Home phone:

Welcome to the Robla School Board of Education Governance Webpage (GAMUT).
This platform serves as a hub for organizing and managing our board policies and meetings, ensuring that important information is readily accessible to all stakeholders. We invite you to actively participate in our governance processes by attending our board meetings.  

Goverance Calendar - 2024

Board meetings take place on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month (except July). 
Please note that meeting dates, times, and locations are subject to change.

Public Comment 
Members of the public may address the board regarding items within the board's jurisdiction that are not on the agenda at this time. 

Members wishing to address the Board are allotted TWO minutes per speaker. Please note that the speaking time cannot be delegated to another person.  Members should indicate the agenda item(s) or topic(s) on which they plan to speak when beginning their comments. 

It's important to remember that Board rules and California law prohibit Board members from discussing comments or attempting to answer questions posed by a speaker during public comment time. If necessary, the Superintendent will request the district staff to follow up with speakers.

All members who wish to speak in-person should complete a speaker's card and submit it to the Board Assistant. To submit a comment online, you can do so via Simbli GAMUT meetings and in "Live Chat" on YouTube. The Board Assistant will provide your comment to the Board as appropriate.  

Special Assistance
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), we are committed to providing necessary accommodations to ensure equal access. If you require special assistance, such as translation, auxiliary aids, or services, to access the Boardroom, review the agenda, or participate in this meeting, please contact Ramon Fajardo at 916-649-5248 ext. 508 or email We kindly request sufficient advance notice to allow the district time to arrange your accommodation.

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