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Temple City Unified School District
9700 Las Tunas Dr.
Temple CityCA 91780
Phone: (626) 548-5000
Fax: (626) 548-5022


Donna Georgino Donna Georgino
Title: Board President
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board President
Mary Sneed Mary Sneed
Title: Board Vice President
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Vice President
Vinson Bell Vinson Bell
Title: Board Clerk
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Clerk
Melissa Espinoza Melissa Espinoza
Title: Board Member
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Member
Matt Smith Matt Smith
Title: Board Member
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Member

Welcome to GAMUT.  This site is used by the Temple City Unified School District Board of Education to organize, manage, and align critical information for the district including board policies.  We invite all of our community stakeholders to access this site to better understand the work that is happening in our district, and we welcome your input and dialog to help us best serve our students.

District Overview

TCUSD buildingThe Temple City Unified School District was established as a unified school district on July 1, 1954. A six-member board with five elected to staggered, four-year terms governs the District. The Governing Board is the policy-making body; the superintendent is the chief executive officer.

The District is located in the West San Gabriel Valley, approximately five miles southeast of Pasadena and 13 miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles. The District includes within its boundaries most of the incorporated City of Temple City, as well as small portions of San Gabriel and Arcadia, and some unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. The District encompasses approximately four square miles.

The District maintains one comprehensive high school (9-12), one alternative high school (10-12), one alternative junior academy (7-9), one intermediate school, four elementary schools, and an adult education school. The population of the District's service area is approximately 35,000. The District employs approximately 390 full-time personnel and about 350 part-time staff. School districts are labor-intensive organizations. If insurance and building funds are excluded, 86% of expenditures are for salaries and employee-related benefits.

The California Education Code and both State and Federal laws regulate District programs and activities. Some programs are mandated while others are permissive. The identification of required versus optional programs provides a basis for budget priority setting. The following positions/departments report directly to the superintendent: school principals, assistant superintendents; human resource  services, educational services, and business services.

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