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Barbour County School District
PO Box 429
ClaytonAL 36016
Phone: 334-775-3453
Fax: 334-775-7301

Board of Education

Dr. Keith A. Stewart Dr. Keith A. Stewart
Title: Superintendent of Schools
Work phone: (334) 775-3453
Home phone:
Superintendent of Schools
Rev. Jimmie C. Fryer Rev. Jimmie C. Fryer
Title: President of Board-District 2
Work phone:
Home phone:
President of Board-District 2
Mrs. Christine George Mrs. Christine George
Title: Board Member-District 3
Work phone: (334) 689-5104
Home phone:
Board Member-District 3
Mrs. Amy Glenn Mrs. Amy Glenn
Title: Board Member-District 5
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Member-District 5
Mrs. Shirley Johnson Mrs. Shirley Johnson
Title: Board Member-District 1
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Member-District 1
Ms. Jean Kennedy Ms. Jean Kennedy
Title: Vice President of Board-District 4
Work phone:
Home phone:
Vice President of Board-District 4
Board Members
Mission Statement

To develop the potential of all students by enabling them to become productive members of society by providing quality, student-centered instruction delivered by dedicated, qualified staff in safe, inclusive learning environments that reflect various educational experiences, use available resources and involve parents and community stakeholders.


The primary function of the public schools is to provide educational experiences and opportunities for each student. Education usually takes place in an atmosphere of good order and discipline. The responsibility for good order and discipline belongs to the entire community, meaning students, teachers, parents, school administrators, the school board, and the general public.
•  Small, Rural District
•  27,803 residents as of 2009
•  Ethnicity
       –51.7% Caucasian
       –46.6% African American
       –< 1.7% Hispanic, Other
•  District demographics
       –86% African American
       –7% Caucasian
       –7% Hispanic, Other
•  Median Income - $30,896 reported in 2008
•  Overall poverty rate – 26.1% (2007)
•  District poverty level – 93.76% Free/Reduced - Community Eligibility Provision
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