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Campbell Union High School District
3235 Union Ave.
San JoseCA 95124-2009
Phone: (408) 371-0960
Fax: (408) 558-3006


Jason Baker Jason Baker
Title: Board President
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board President
Elisabeth Halliday Elisabeth Halliday
Title: Board Clerk
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Clerk
Linda Goytia Linda Goytia
Title: Board Alt. Clerk
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Alt. Clerk
Aine O'Donovan Aine O'Donovan
Title: Board Trustee
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Trustee
James Kim James Kim
Title: Board Trustee
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Trustee

Campbell Union High School District (CUHSD) Board agendas and Board Policies are posted in BoardDocs:

In addition,  Campbell Union High School District's Board Policies may also be viewed in Gamut. To view CUHSD Board Policies in Gamut, click on the word POLICIES in the top right-hand corner.

Policies can be viewed in multiple languages by clicking on the ENGLISH button in the top right-hand corner of your browser.  Please note, while  policies can be viewed in multiple languages, the policies will still be printed in English.

To search for a policy, click on the SEARCH button.

Board Policies Overview:

Each policy has a number.  Before each number, you will find one of the following:


BP (Board Policy)

AR (Administrative Regulation)  An AR implements the policy and often provides a summary of the law.

BB (Board Bylaw)

E   (Exhibit)  This is often a form.


One policy number may have several types of policies (BP, AR, E).


For questions regarding policies or to report a Board Policy formatting issue, please contact Michelle Alaimo at

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