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Sedalia School District #200
2806 Matthew Drive
SedaliaMO 65301
Phone: (660) 829-6450
Fax: (660) 827-8938

Board of Education

Ms. Diana K Nichols Ms. Diana K Nichols
Title: Board President
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board President
Mr. Sam Kempton Mr. Sam Kempton
Title: Board Vice President
Work phone: (660) 281-9832
Home phone:
Board Vice President
Ms. Pam Moon Ms. Pam Moon
Title: Board Treasurer
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Treasurer
Ms. Barbara Schrader Ms. Barbara Schrader
Title: Board Secretary
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Secretary
Mr. Scott Gardner Mr. Scott Gardner
Title: Board MSBA Delegate
Work phone: (660) 827-0204
Home phone: (660) 620-5539
Board MSBA Delegate
Mr. Brad Grupe Mr. Brad Grupe
Title: Board MSBA Alternate
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board MSBA Alternate
Dr. Cara Barth-Fagan Dr. Cara Barth-Fagan
Title: Board Director
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Director
Dr. Todd Fraley Dr. Todd Fraley
Title: Superintendent
Work phone:
Home phone:

Board of Education Meetings

The regular meeting of the Board shall be held on the fourth Monday in each month, at the hour of 6:30 p.m., except when a majority of the Board agrees in advance and public notice is given. 

A special meeting may be held at the time set by the Board or on the call of the Board president or a majority of the Board, but not less than twenty-four (24) hours written notice, stating the time and place of the meeting and business to be considered.

The Board may vote to conduct closed executive sessions as provided for in Policy 0430 - Executive Sessions. In order to enter into executive session, such motion must be approved by a roll call majority vote during a regular or special meeting. The motion to enter executive session must reference the specific statutory matters to be discussed under the provision of Section 610.021, RSMo. as valid grounds for a closed meeting.

Notices of School Board meetings and proposed meeting agendas are posted at the District Office on 2806 Matthew Drive.
Board of Education Members

It is the goal of the Sedalia School District 200 Board of Education to foster an open line of communication with district patrons. With that in mind, it is important for the public to understand the role and responsibilities of a school board member.

The Board of Education serves four primary functions associated with school district operations:
  • Hire a superintendent
  • Help establish a district vision
  • Establish policy
  • Oversee district finances
All comments or concerns with the district should start at the classroom level and work up through the chain of command – teacher first, then principal, Central Office administration and finally the Board of Education after all other avenues have been exhausted. For more information on the board and its functions, please click here.
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