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In the North Cedar Community School District every child is valued and is the central focus of the district. We believe our schools must be a safe and encouraging learning environment for every child. We believe we have a responsibility to provide an individualized, innovative learning culture that supports our professional staff and every child. We believe a united community is essential for the success of every child.


Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Facililities Master Plan 1.0

The North Cedar Community School District is excited to begin the development phase of Facilities Master Plan 1.0 (FMP).  FMP 1.0 will become a District-wide, multi-year facilities plan focused on creating innovative 21st Century learning environments across our District.  Building off our our District's Four Goals, FMP 1.0 will create instructional spaces along with extracurricular upgrades and updates that help maximize student opportunity and support all students being college, career, and life ready when they leave the District.

FMP 1.0: The Projects

As part of the Vision, FMP 1.0, the following three categories of potential facilities improvements and projects align to the Board’s Guiding Principles and Stakeholder Facilities Planning Priorities. These initiatives address current building needs as well as proactively move the District toward creating innovative and instructionally driven learning environments for future students. Renewing the current SAVE and PPEL levies, the no new cost initiatives on the ballot in November provides the necessary funding to make these projects a reality.

Group 1: Completing the Promise of FMP 1.0
Elementary:  iPads (Completed July 2022)
Football/Track:  ADA Sidewalks (Completed July 2022)
Football/Track:  Speaker Project
Lowden Elementary: Asphalt Playground
Mechanicsville Elementary:  Asphalt Employee Parking (Completed July 2022)
Mechanicsville Elementary:  Walk-in Freezer
Mechaniscsville Elementary:  Tuck pointing and Sills
Secondary: HVAC Project
Secondary:  MacBooks (Completed July 2022)
Secondary:  Drainage Upgrade
Secondary:  FFA Land Acquisitions

Group 2: Life Cycle Projects
District wide: Technology
District wide: Security Upgrades and Improvements
District wide: Climate Action
District wide: Bus Maintenance Fleet
District wide: HVAC Replacements / Upgrades
District wide: School Site Improvements
Elementary Buildings: Playgrounds
High Schools: Activities Updates
Food Service: Improvements

Group 3: Long Term Considerations
Property Acquisitions
Early Childhood
Grade Reconfiguration
Climate Action
Career & Technical Programming and Classrooms
Elementary Expansion and Classroom Additions
Athletic Venues and Community Partnership Facilities

FMP 2021-2022
Elementary Schools:  Mobile Technology Labs (Completed October 2021)
Football/Track:  ADA Seating (Completed August 2021)
Lowden Food Service:  Walk-in Freezer (Completed July 2021)
Secondary:  Hallway Roof Project (Completed July 2021)
Secondary:  Window Replacements (Completed July 2021)
Transportation:  65 Passenger Bus; 84 Passenger Bus (Completed November 2021)

Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs
In the North Cedar Community School District every child is valued and is the central focus of the district.
  • We believe our schools must be a safe and encouraging learning environment for every child.
  • We believe we have a responsibility to provide an individualized, innovative learning culture that supports our professional staff and every child.
  • We believe a united community is essential for the success of every child.
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
The mission of North Cedar Community School District, in partnership with its community and staff, is to ensure a safe and caring environment for each student, providing the essential knowledge, values, skills, and attitudes to create lifelong learners who are responsible, contributing, and productive citizens in a changing and increasingly diverse world.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
  • Our Vision is a community where all children feel loved, respected and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
North Cedar Board of Directors Goals

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