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Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

Guiding Principles

Continuous Improvement


We continuously develop new ways to measure and assess our effectiveness and the quality of our programs and services. Ongoing communication among students, staff and families and the community results in new learning and improvement.


Personalized Learning

We commit to knowing each student an individual, providing meaningful and appropriate learning experiences in a caring environment.


Optimum Use of Resources

We value every person, place and thing as a resource for building our learning community. We maintain accountability and responsibility while encouraging the creative and flexible use of these resources to support learning.



We create and strengthen relationships that support learning. The interrelationships among our programs, services, people and other resources are vital to the success of our learning community.



We seek ways to learn about and understand the uniqueness of each person. We need differences to enrich our relationships, our community and our quest for continuous improvement.

Goals Title Red ArrowMission

Working in partnership with each family and the community, it is the mission of the district to educate responsible lifelong learners so that each student possesses the skills, knowledge, creativity, sense of self-worth and values necessary to thrive in and contribute to a diverse and changing world.


Goals Title Red ArrowVision

The WDMCS will be a caring community of learners that knows and lifts every child. We will inspire joy in learning. Our schools will excel at preparing each student for his or her life journey.

Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Close the gap between present practices and the Shared Vision.

Improve student achievement through effective instructional and assessment practices.

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