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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
WCSD Strategic Priorities
  1.  Increase student opportunities that integrate Real World Focus and Application-based Learning to ensure all students are college, career, and life ready. 
  2. Integrating 21st Century learning skills and student opportunities.
  3. Expand opportunities for students to develop self-worth and connection to others.
  4. Build strong, authentic relationships among students, staff, and community members. 
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

Core Values
Drivers of our Words & Actions


Excellence: High expectations for all in everything we do

Innovation:  In our approach to problem solving and learning

Pride:  In self, others, school, and community

Relationships:   Amongst all stakeholders as foundational to our success 

Sense of Belonging: Where all students, staff and community members feel valued and connected.


Goals Title Red ArrowMission

Our Core Purpose


We will empower a community of lifelong learners who strive for personal excellence through meaningful relationships and real world, authentic learning experiences. 


Goals Title Red ArrowVision


What we Commit to Create


We will strive for excellence, ensuring all students are college, career, and life ready. 


Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals

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