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The Board of Education meeting will be held on March 21, 2024 at the Middle/High School Library.  The meeting will start at 5:30 PM, at which time a motion will be made to enter into executive session. The budget work session will begin at 6:30 PM and the regular board meeting will start at 7:00 PM.


Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

We, the members of the Sullivan West School Community:

  • Believe that educational excellence is a shared responsibility;
  • Believe that excellence is achievable and is always worth the effort.

Most importantly, we have a strong belief that all students can learn and that each individual has unique and unlimited potential. 


We believe that teaching and learning happen best:

  • In a safe and caring environment that fosters positive risk-taking;
  • When expectations are high, well-defined, and understood;
  • When student effort is supported by patience, understanding, and encouragement;
  • When staff and community members actively model the characteristics encompassed in the Sullivan West Graduate Profile;
  • In a community where respect and civility are practiced by all;
  • When students are provided a variety of ways to learn and demonstrate learning;
  • When barriers to learning are eliminated.


Our values and beliefs serve to guide our actions and behaviors both in the classroom and in the community.

Goals Title Red ArrowMission

Our District’s mission is to provide a world-class and globally-competitive education for each student through excellence in teaching and learning, supported by the combined efforts of students, parents, educators, and community members. 

Goals Title Red ArrowVision

Our District’s vision is to continue the evolution of a learning community committed to the pursuit of excellence and equity, and dedicated to enriching the lives of all students.   

Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals

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