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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess

Tuscaloosa City Schools Strategic Plan is a three-year plan that focuses on four themes that evolved from our multiple SCAN processes where teachers, administrators, students, parents, board members, and stakeholders participated. The plan is aligned with the COGNIA Continuous Improvement Plan format that is required by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE). Each theme includes a priority statement, objective, critical initiative, intended outcome, key measure, activity, and required resources. Through these four themes, we will demonstrate that:
If we provide equitable opportunities and access to high-quality academics, extracurricular and cocurricular activities, then students will be productive, wellrounded citizens in a global society and students will have success and equity.
If we value and leverage school and community partnerships, then we will maximize our collective impact on our core mission and our stakeholder engagement will increase.
If students are provided a safe and supportive learning environment where social and emotional needs are met, then student learning will be enhanced.
If we optimize organizational effectiveness and efficiency, then we will amplify our impact on mission-critical work and retain our employees and improve the working environment.

Each department of Tuscaloosa City Schools was assigned to specific themes as it relates to their current working situation. The Teaching and Learning Department contributed to the Student Success and Equity & Stakeholder Engagement themes.

Additionally, the Learning Supports Department contributed to the Safe & Supportive Learning Environment theme. Lastly, the Human Resources & Operations Department contributed to the Organizational Effectiveness & Efficiency theme.

This plan is an example of a year and a half collective process where multiple opportunities to review with various stakeholders to ensure accuracy and effectiveness was provided. Once the plan is approved by our board of education, we will continue to evaluate and update our plan on a continuous basis. 
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs
  • We believe it is critical to maintain a climate of two-way communication and trust with stakeholders.
  • We believe we must foster a systemwide culture of innovation.
  • We believe we must maintain an inclusive environment and high expectations.
  • We believe every student should thrive in our system.
  • We believe we must continually improve academic achievement and enrichment through quality instruction for all students.
  • We believe every Tuscaloosa City Schools employee is an asset in ensuring the success of every student.
  • We believe we must hold ourselves accountable for the success of the Tuscaloosa City Schools and its students.
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
The mission of the Tuscaloosa City Schools is to create and support a culture of high expectations for each and every student to achieve personal, academic and career excellence.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
The vision of the Tuscaloosa City Schools is to be a premier, innovative school system where each and every student graduates and is fully prepared for life and career success.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Student Success with Equity and Access
To provide equitable access to academically rigorous courses and foster social emotional development to ensure individual student success

Stakeholder Engagement
Increase stakeholder involvement in all aspects of school program and activities by building a connective learning community, engaging families, partners, and the greater community to meet the needs of all students.

Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
Provide safe and secure learning spaces to support 21st century learners that will impact and improve student attendance and engagement.

Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency
Focus resources on student learning by utilizing a comprehensive performance management system that ensures efficiently cost-effective and transparency in operations and accountability of the education system at all levels. 

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