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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

Every Wildcat, Every Day


Team Mindset - Every position has the power to impact student lives, we lead with the strength of the many.


Accountability - Holding yourself and others responsible for meeting high expectations


Respect -  Every action impacts culture, display excellence in words and actions.


Pride - Wildcats do not stand alone, their success is the success of a community.


High Expectations - The expectation is the constant, rise to meet it.


Preparation - Build the plan, keep the course.


Celebration - Appreciate the people who make it happen.


Innovation - Be willing to be the first.


Growth - Adaptability and responsible risk taking are essential to move from good to great.


Limitless Potential - potential is not determined, it’s created.


Communication - clear, consistent and intentional engagement is essential to the process.


Safety - Physical and emotional safety is a standard afforded to all.

Goals Title Red ArrowMission

We prepare the youth of our community to be people who are intelligent, driven, and make lives better for those around them.

Goals Title Red ArrowVision
Prepare students for a workforce to grow our region. 
Make Neosho the School of Choice in SW Missouri for students and adults.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Provide access, engagement and rigor to academic pathways that allow students to fulfill their goals.
Included in this goal are the following:
Improving Tier 1 instruction
Increasing rigor in instruction
Increasing early exposure programs (early childhood, PAT, etc)
Project-Based Learning (PBL)
Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
Flexible scheduling
Launch - online programs
Expanding Advanced Placement and Pre-AP offerings
Increased participation in Explore/PLAN/ACT
Improved literacy
Improved Response to Intervention (RtI) processes
Exemplary Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
Expand after-school offerings
Recruit coaches/sponsors to build programs
Develop pathways for college and careers
Implement a CAPS program (Centers for Advanced Professional Studies)
Align instruction K-12
Purchase a district-wide, common math resource

Provide and maintain first-class facilities.
Provide tornado shelters at all sites
Improve our athletic facilities
Develop and follow a Preventative Maintenance Plan for facilities
Explore Energy Efficiency upgrades
Build a performing arts center
Classroom expansion


Recruit, retain, and develop the best team members.
Benefit offerings
Develop a culture of which people want to be a part
Increase pay to be competitive 
Provide strong support system for staff
Raise expectations of staff and students
Provide high quality professional development
Institute a New Teacher Academy

Provide a physically and emotionally safe learning and working environment.
Promote anti-bullying curriculum
Develop a Social-Emotional curriculum and implementation plan
Create an oversight position (hired a Director of Counseling Services)
Create a safety and security position (hired a Director of Safety and Security)
Provide training to staff

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