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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs
  • We believe every person has value and potential.
  • We believe in the power of teaching.
  • We believe families are critical partners in a child's education.
  • We believe the greatest learning occurs in a safe environment.
  • We believe all students should be given the best education possible
  • We believe in being advocates for our district's excellence.
  • We believe in dignity and respect for all.
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
Our mission is to teach, to learn and to facilitate learning in a cooperative and safe environment.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
We are here to prepare children to be successful citizens.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Goal 1- Provide effective district and schoolwide support systems, procedures, processes, materials and practices that support student learning.

Goal 2 - Develop and enhance programs and services that support English Language Learners becoming proficient in all academic areas.

Goal 3 - Maintain a safe, secure healthy and positive learning environment for all students and staff.

Goal 4 - Create a culture of respect and caring that supports positive relationships among all stakeholders (Parents/Staff/Students/Community Members).

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