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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
Mission Statement: Gilroy Unified School District will provide opportunities for all students to reach their highest academic and intellectual competencies and personal attributes to be life-long learners, responsible citizens, and productive members of society. This will be accomplished by having a clear focus on student needs; staff, parents and community members demonstrating high expectations for themselves and for every student served; and by continually improving the quality of teaching and learning.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Goal 1: Increase the level of student achievement for all students throughout the district, with a focus on closing the achievement gap
Objective # 1: Meet or exceed state and federal standards for all students every year 
Objective #2: Create rigorous classrooms at all sites which support best instructional practices 
Objective #3: Develop and support excellent high school programs

Goal 2: Maintain fiscal accountability and require sound fiscal management practices
Objective #1: Maintain a budget process that allows for board participation in the development of the budget, ensures that priorities are aligned with funding, and leads to a balanced three-year budget
Objective #2: Identify potential cost savings and options for revenue generation
Objective #3: Maintain and provide appropriate technology for students and employees

Goal 3: Recruit and retain a highly qualified staff
Objective #1: Retain qualified staff 
Objective #2: Develop and support an effective employee recruitment plan
Objective #3: Recognize employee accomplishments throughout the District

Goal 4: Provide a positive and safe school climate
Objective #1: Maintain the district-wide focus on programs regarding appropriate behavior and character

Goal 5: Provide equitable learning and working environments
Objective #1: Maintain fiscal accountability for capital funds
Objective #2: Maximize capital funds to support facilities 
Objective #3: Continue to improve the District's facilities

Goal 6: Practice effective leadership
Objective #1: Maintain a sound and effective governance structure 
Objective #2: Continue working with the Gilroy community on decisions that impact Gilroy Unified 

Goal 7: Consistently communicate with employees and community
Objective #1: Create and maintain effective internal District communications 
Objective #2: Effectively communicate District interests and employee success to the community

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