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All Board Meetings will held in the HSD Boardroom


Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Community Outreach: Embrace community members by maintaining an open-door policy to foster trust and confidence in the HSD

Community Outreach: Establish a committee of parent representatives to promote district accomplishments throughout the community

Community Outreach: Promote strengths through communications and participation in events to recruit/retain students/partnership

Community Outreach: The HSD community will continue to strengthen existing partnerships while establishing new relationships

District Culture: All stakeholders will continue to be respected, valued and treated as integral partners in the organization

District Culture: Build trust through ongoing collaborative relationships with positive interactions and behaviors

District Culture: Foster a climate where open communication and innovation are valued, encouraged and supported

Educational Environment: Develop and implement a Facilities Master Plan to ensure a safe, well maintained physical environment

Educational Environment: Develop and implement a Technology Master Plan that will support innovation

Educational Environment: Provide a safe and healthy learning and working environment to maximize student learning

Educational Environment: Work with partners in developing and implementing plans for emergency preparedness, health and safety

Fiscal Responsibility: Conduct periodic budget review workshops with staff, labor organizations, community and the School Board

Fiscal Responsibility: Efficiently allocate resources (i.e. facilities, equipment, supplies, etc.) to support student learning

Fiscal Responsibility: Monitor staffing, enrollment, revenues and expenditures and make adjustments to minimize deficit spending

Fiscal Responsibility: Prioritize the District and site budgets to meet the needs of students while maintaining fiscal solvency

Parent and Family Involvement: All schools will create an atmosphere where families are supported, valued, engaged and respected

Parent and Family Involvement: Develop and maintain school and district websites and other forms of two-way communication

Parent and Family Involvement: Maximize utilization of the parent centers at all school sites to promote parent involvement

Parent and Family Involvement: Provide workshops focused on strengthening home-school connections

Student Achievement: All students will meet or exceed grade level standards

Student Achievement: Encourage and recognize academic growth, success, citizenship and attendance

Student Achievement: Provide consistent and timely communication with students and families regarding student progress

Student Achievement: Provide workshops that allow parents to assist their children with academic and family needs

Student Achievement: Use research-based instructional strategies, materials and technology to engage and challenge all students

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