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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
LCAP Goal 1: Increase all student achievement, targeting English Learners, students with disabilities, low income students, foster youth, and students experiencing homelessness.
Increase all student achievement, targeting English Learners, students with disabilities, low income students, foster youth, and students experiencing homelessness.

LCAP Goal 2: Provide student access to quality first instruction and curriculum through professional learning and collaboration for all staff.
Provide student access to quality first instruction and curriculum through professional learning and collaboration for all staff.

LCAP Goal 3: Cultivate a positive school climate and culture throughout the school community by creating and supporting partnerships with educational partners.
Cultivate a positive school climate and culture throughout the school community by creating and supporting partnerships with educational partners.

Single Focus Plans: Targeted growth in an identified area of need.
Targeted growth in an identified area of need.

Board's Goal: Develop a strong district-wide team that builds a culture of shared leadership and ownership of all student outcomes.
Develop a strong district-wide team that builds a culture of shared leadership and ownership of all student outcomes.

Board Priority #1: Student Preparation and Performance : Achievement is attainable for all student groups with a commitment for all students to meet or exceed standards.
Student Preparation and Performance : Achievement is attainable for all student groups with a commitment for all students to meet or exceed standards. 

Board Priority #2: Culture, Engagement and Teamwork: Promote communication with stakeholders that increases engagement around the belief that all students are valued and will achieve.
Culture, Engagement and Teamwork: Promote communication with stakeholders that increases engagement around the belief that all students are valued and will achieve.

Board Priority #3: Professional Growth and Learning: A commitment for continuous learning and growth to achieve the goals for student success.
Professional Growth and Learning: A commitment for continuous learning and growth to achieve the goals for student success.

Board Priority #4: Safety: A place where every person feels safe, secure, and has a sense of belonging so learning and achievement can occur.
Safety: A place where every person feels safe, secure, and has a sense of belonging so learning and achievement can occur.

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