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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Goal 1: Provide an instructional program that emphasizes academic excellence and growth, continuity across school sites and grade levels, infuses components of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and develops resilient, responsible, conscientious, and engaged students.

Goal 2: Collaborate with Del Oro High School and Placer Union High School District to facilitate articulation to optimize the academic program experience for all students with an emphasis on Math, Spanish and American Sign Language.

Goal 3: Operate in a fiscally conservative manner while planning for future growth demands and maintaining the culture of small schools.

Goal 4: Expand communication platforms to better inform and collaborate meaningfully with families and the community.

Goal 5: Cultivate a secure school environment which emphasizes social emotional learning and safety while helping kids to conquer challenges, discover passions, and show kindness and respect.

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