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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
The Los Gatos Union School District will provide equitable learning opportunities to educate all children to their unique potential by teaching, modeling and supporting the skills, and attitudes that contribute to their development as globally and socially responsible citizens demonstrating stewardship and “service above self”.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
To achieve academic excellence, we believe the LGUSD Student Success Profile will prepare all children to thrive in a diverse and ever-changing world.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #1: Student Wellness
empathy   learner's mindset
All students will learn in an environment that prioritizes the importance of social emotional development.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #2: STEAM and Social Innovation
critical thinking   collaboration   adaptability
Provide a learning environment that emphasizes design thinking/inquiry-based learning, where students have the ability to creatively design projects in STEAM laboratory settings and classrooms.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #3: Community and Global Citizenship
empathy   collaboration   adaptability
Students will participate in learning opportunities that foster “Service Above Self” (Community Service) and Global Mindedness/Citizenship.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #4: Academic Excellence/Curriculum & Instruction
critical thinking   collaboration   communication
All students will learn in an environment that promotes student engagement and prepares students to be successful.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #5: Staff Professional Growth and Support
empathy   collaboration   learner's mindset   adaptability
Continue to attract and retain “top-tier” teachers and develop excellent staff in a supportive and quality work environment.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #6: Sound Finance and Infrastructure
critical thinking   collaboration   communication
Sustainably manage the financial infrastructure and ongoing prioritization of district resources to accomplish the mission, vision, and strategic plan of the District.

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