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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Goal 1 - All students and families will be connected to school and engaged in learning
  • Providing health and safety equipment and protocols to allow students to return to school in-person and allowing students to receive services for academic, social-emotional, and behavioral support.
  • Providing 1-1 devices for students allows instruction to continue regardless of the model or method of instruction (distance learning, hybrid or in-person).

Goal 2 - All students will be college and career ready
  • A MTSS for academic intervention along with expanded learning time and opportunities for credit recovery provide students with the pathway to regain grade level proficiency, which leads to college and career readiness.

Goal 3 - All English learners will make progress each year toward reclassification
  • Providing students with 1-1 devices and hotspots for home so staff can continue to provide designated ELD for all English learners and allow students to have access to supplemental digital programs that support students’ progress towards reclassification. Devices also provide a way to maintain communications with families.

Goal 4 - All students will read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade
  • Providing students with 1-1 devices and hotspots allows students and families to access district programs to support and enhance reading.
  • Expanded learning time provides additional opportunities to support students’ growth in reading.

Goal 5 - All students will be ready for Algebra I by 8th grade
  • Providing students with 1-1 devices and hotspots allows students and families to access district programs to support and enhance mathematics.
  • Expanded learning time provides additional opportunities to support students’ growth in mathematics.   

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