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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals

Ravenswood City School District empowers every student to fully engage critically and creatively in their education with the skills and mindsets necessary to successfully fulfill their unique potential.

Core Values:
  • Integrity: We model transparency and honesty to build trust, relationships and community.

  • Student-centered: We ensure students are at the center of every decision we make.

  • Innovation: We promote and celebrate the creativity and curiosity that sparks the learning and growth in all of us.

  • Excellence: We hold high expectations for ourselves and for all students.

  • Empowerment: We work in partnership with children, families and our community to encourage self-advocacy and engage in decision-making.

  • Respect: We build upon the strength of our diversity and individuality to create an equitable and just community.

Ravenswood's Antiracist Commitment

The Ravenswood City School District acknowledges that racism has an inherent and permanent impact on our students’ lives. We actively work to systematically dismantle the racist structures and practices in our schools.

In order to be antiracist, we must:

  • Rely on the communities we serve to guide and inform the decisions we make about our curriculum, program and practice 

  • Examine every policy, curriculum, assessment and personnel decision and make changes as necessary 

  • Root our work in and centered around the rich cultures of our students, families and community

  • Provide learning environments and opportunities that help students and staff be self-aware, to self reflect, have empathy, understand societal context and practice abolitionist teaching 

  • Develop students’ self advocacy to be an agent of change through explicit antiracist discussion, practice and action

Strategic Priority 1

SP 1: Engage students with relevant, rigorous and standards-aligned instruction, supports and materials

Strategic Priority 2

SP 2: Provide safe, joyful and productive learning environments with the proper social-emotional supports

Strategic Priority 3

SP 3: Recruit and retain highly effective and diverse team members

Strategic Priority 4

SP 4: Partner with families and the community to support the whole child

Strategic Priority 5

SP 5: Manage people, time and budget responsibly, equitably and strategically in service of students


Strategic Priority 6

SP 6: Work collaboratively and share responsibility for our core values

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