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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs
We believe in:
  • ensuring that ALL students are capable of high levels of academic and social success.
  • providing academic and social support for all students.
  • establishing a safe and respectful school community by building trusting, collaborative relationships with strong communication.
  • emphasizing the ideas of rigor, relevance, inclusion, and relationship in our school community.
  • allocating resources in equitable, transparent, and purposeful ways.
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
The mission of San Benito High School is to educate all students to their highest potential so they will have the greatest range of personal options upon graduation.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
We believe in a school community focused on the idea of Baler STRONG.

Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
1. Academic Excellence
a.     Cultivating a climate of continuous improvement.
b.    Teaching to clear learning goals for every student.
c.    Building curriculum that is rooted in rigorous standards.
d.    Developing social and emotional skills necessary for academic growth.
e.    Challenging all learners to move forward on their own learning continuum.

2. Inclusive Environment for All Students
  2. Freely express their own opinions and points of view.
  3. Feel respected and connected to one another.
  4. Culturally relevant curriculum and teaching practices.


3. Facilities Maintenance and Construction
  1. Responsive to evolving educational programs and instructional   methodologies.
  2. Create a positive and productive experience for students, educators, and community members.
  3. Plan for and sharpen the vision of the district to ensure appropriate and sufficient learning environments continually meet the learning needs of the modern student.
  4. Be proactive to address short term and long-term student growth.

4. Fiscal Responsibility and Solvency
  1. Demonstrate fiscally responsible practices.
  2. Being accountable for creating, optimizing, and maintaining a balanced budget.

5. Clear and Consistent Communication with Partners
  1. Informing partners of the what and the why.
  2. Incorporate transparency.
  3. Utilization of a wide variety of communication platforms.


6. Staff and Student Wellness
  1.  Support the well-being of the whole person.
  2.  Create and promote a healthy and supportive environment for all members of the school community.

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