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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Board Goal 1
The Superintendent will facilitate a Professional Learning Community by consistently using an inclusive, collaborative process to implement systems designed to ensure student success through educational pathways that support the ongoing commitment to ensure endless possibilities for all students through high levels of learning.

Board Goal 2
The Superintendent will facilitate a Professional Learning Community by consistently using an inclusive, collaborative process to implement systems designed to increase families, staff, businesses, and community engagement into the ongoing efforts of the Districts’ schools to ensure endless possibilities for all students through high levels of learning.

Board Goal 3
Create new and expand advanced placement classes, dual enrollment courses, and CTE (career technical education) vocational pathways to ensure endless opportunities for all students. These concepts could save students time and resources while enhancing their education.

Board Goal 4
Develop a plan to pay off our COPs (certificates of participation) and remain fiscally solvent in order to maintain our quality programs.

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