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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs
Students First
Students come first in everything we do.

Mutual Trust
Mutual trust is essential in all our interactions.

Dignity and Respect
We always treat each other with dignity and respect.

Innovation and Continuous Learning
We embrace innovation and continuously strive to learn and improve.

Growth Mindset and Grit
High expectations and perseverance are keys to success.

Collaboration and Partnerships
Working together, in collaboration and partnership, we make a difference for students.
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
It is the mission of Bear Valley Unified School District to educate, inspire, and prepare all students by creating innovative learning environments where students can thrive academically, contribute to society, and lead healthy, purposeful lives.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
All students graduate educated, inspired, and prepared to pursue their dreams.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Increase Student Achievement
Analyze data to drive instruction (District, site, and classroom level)
Continue implementation of Social Emotional Learning Curriculum TK-12th Grade to increase student
readiness to learn.
Create opportunities to accelerate learning in ELA and Mathematics to address academic gaps exacerbated
by the Pandemic
Provide Systematic Implementation of effective practices and strategies to engage students in active learning
including AVID and KAGAN Strategies (In Progress, schools are at different levels of implementation)
Provide Professional Development including Kagan Strategies to increase student engagement and
Implement effective lesson design including support from the California Science Project, the California
Mathematics Project and Direct Instruction (In Progress, continued support is necessary)
Modify three-year Professional Development Plan based on identified needs (ongoing updates)
Adopt Elementary Science Curriculum that supports the Portrait of a Graduate
Implement newly adopted 6-8 Science Curriculum that supports the Portrait of a Graduate
Adopted - Research and Pilot 6-12 History Adoption that supports the Portrait of a Graduate
Provide professional development opportunities to understand the rigor of grade level standards (In Progress)
Research Dual Enrollment opportunities and create plan for implementation

Maintain Fiscal Solvency

Recruit and Maintain Highly Effective Staff

Develop Safe, Inviting, and Innovative Learning Environment

Create and Support Positive School Culture

Promote Student, Parent, and Community Engagement

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