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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
LCAP Goal 1 - Social-Emotional Learning:
All students in Benicia Unified School District, especially those who have been underrepresented, will feel a sense of belonging and connection to their school community so that they feel challenged and invested in a learning environment that values individuals and is accepting, respectful, safe, and supportive.

LCAP Goal 2 - Literacy/Humanities:
All students in Benicia Unified School District will demonstrate mastery on and be supported in grade level literacy and humanities standards in all content areas so that there is comparable performance for all student groups, and achievement and performance gaps are virtually non-existent.

LCAP Goal 3 - Math/STEAM:
All students in Benicia Unified School District will demonstrate mastery on and be supported in math standards with the support of all STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) content areas so that there is comparable performance for all student groups, and achievement and performance gaps are virtually non-existent.

LCAP Goal 4 - Equity & Opportunity:
Historically underserved and underrepresented students will have access to and inclusion in all learning and activities in school.  BUSD will advance equity practices by ensuring that the voices of our students are represented, they feel seen and their cultures and stories are valued with a particular focus on students who are black, socio-economically disadvantaged, English learners, Latinx, LGBTQ+, and students in special education.

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