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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
To improve each student's academic performance year-over-year through 2025 using both state and local assessments and paying particular attention to the following student groups: students speaking English as an Additional Language, students with disabilities, and socio-economically disadvantaged students.

To improve instruction for each student with up-to-date and relevant curricula including the board adopted social-emotional learning curricula.

That all students in the district have equitable access to the Burlingame educational experience as it relates to highly qualified and certificated professional teachers, administrators, and professional staff, up-to-date resources, and curricula, well-kept and maintained facilities, and a positive campus climate for all students.

That all staff and students work in a district where equity and access, excellent instruction, quality assessment, and positive educational partner involvement are valued.

That all staff and students are engaged in their course of learning, teaching, and supported by positive community involvement and campus climate, good professional learning, and constant growth and improvement

To maintain a stable district and working environment by the consistent and high-level maintenance of facilities, materials, school and district budgets, and the support of key community partners such as PTAs, BCE, the City of Burlingame, City of Burlingame Parks and Recreation, an excellent licensed daycare provider and a high-quality food service program.

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