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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Action 1001: College Access, Preparation & Support
Provide Low Income students, English Learners, and Foster Youth with increased access to college readiness coursework and support. Expanded supports will include increased academic advising, college and career planning tools and support, guidance when navigating the college and financial aid process, and equitable access to college preparatory courses to increase their competitiveness when applying to college. Supports and services provided through this action will serve to increase A-G completion rates and improve College & Career Readiness Indicator metrics for targeted students.

Action 1002: Career Readiness
Provide Low Income students with expanded access to 11 Career Technical Education (CTE) academies and pathways staffed by CTE-credentialed teachers. Provide increased supports for student success through work-based learning opportunites and internships provided by local industry partners. Effectiveness of this action will be demonstrated by improved College and Career Readiness Indicator metrics and increased CTE pathway completion rates.

Action 1003: Support for Long-Term English Learners
Provide Long-Term English Learners (LTELs) with specific academic support structures - including data chats with staff LTEL mentors and designated language instruction in cohorted support classes with bilingual college tutors  - that will simultaneously support LTELs in meeting high school graduation requirements and making progress toward English language proficiency as measured by the percent of LTELs who increase at least 1 ELPI level annually or maintain at level 4 on the ELPAC. The reclassification rate will also be used to measure effectiveness of this action.

Action 1004: English Learner Program Coordination
Provide Newcomer and At-Risk of Being a Long-Term English Learner students with specific academic support structures - including a desginated language instruction program coordinated by partial-release certificated staff who provide specialized support for EL students and families - that will simultaneously support these EL students in meeting high school graduation requirements and making progress toward English language proficiency as measured by the percent of Newcomers and At-Risk of Being a Long-Term English Learner students who increase at least 1 ELPI level annually or maintain at level 4 on the ELPAC. The reclassification rate will also be used to measure effectiveness of this action.

Action 1005: Strategic Academic Supports and Expanded Learning Opportunities
Provide Low Income students, English Learners, and Foster Youth with increased access to academic supports, particularly for students struggling with coursework or deemed not on track for meeting graduation requirements. Provisions within this action include credit recovery options within and outside of the school day, after school tutoring provided by certificated teachers and trained college tutors, and fully staffed Digital Media Centers that serve as community hubs for after school expanded learning opportunities in support of students' college and career readiness.

Action 1006: Arts Integration
Engage in community partnerships to provide Low Income students with access to a global, multicultural community of professional arts and artists through live performances. Provide arts-based professional learning opportunities for teachers across the content areas in order to foster the implementation of integrated lessons as a means of increasing student engagement.

Action 1013: CVUHSD Summer School
Provide Low Income students, Foster Youth, and English Learners with access to  A-G courses and English language development coursework during the summer, taught by appropriately assigned teachers. This action will address students' heightened need for increased opportunities to both recover credits and meet graduation requirements within four years. Effectiveness of this action will be measured by Summer School course completion rates which will subsequently increase the A-G course completion rate and positively impact the graduation rate.

Action 2001: Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Supports
Provide Low Income students, English Learners, and Foster Youth with increased social, emotional, and mental health supports. Ensure that social and emotional competencies are directly connected to schoolwide expectations and that mental health supports are integrated services accessible through on-campus Wellness Centers. Services provided through this action will help to decrease the percentage of students who indicate they experience significant social emotional distress and chronic sadness during the 2021-22 school year as measured by the California Healthy Kids Survey and will increase the percentage of students who access services and supports through service logs and our Wellness Centers as indicated through our Student Equity Survey.

Action 2002: School Safety & Connectedness
Provide Low Income students, English Learners, and Foster Youth with a supportive and engaging physical environment supported by staff who implement trauma-informed practices, positive behavior interventions and supports, and a restorative practices approach to behavior management. Services provided through this action will increase student perceptions of safety, belonging, inclusion, and connectedness as measured by the California Healthy Kids Survey.

Action 2003: Family Engagement
Increase CV Family Academy efforts to provide Low Income and English Learner families with meaningful and culturally responsive family engagement opportunities and parent education workshops focused on supporting students' academic progress and mental health. These services will be provided through Parent Centers staffed by full-time Parent Liaisons who will also engage families in making explicit connections between students' educational experience in CV and student outcomes identified in the District's Graduate Profile. Services provided through this action will result in an increase in the parent participation rate of both Low Income and English Learner families.

Action 2004: Athletics as a Means of Improving Student Attendance and Academic Engagement
Provide Long-Term English Learners (LTELs) with specific academic support structures - including data chats with staff LTEL mentors and designated language instruction in cohorted support classes with bilingual college tutors  - that will simultaneously support LTELs in meeting high school graduation requirements and making progress toward English language proficiency as measured by the percent of LTELs who increase at least 1 ELPI level annually or maintain at level 4 on the ELPAC. The reclassification rate will also be used to measure effectiveness of this action.

Action 3001: Educational Technology
Provide Low Income students with classrooms equipped with continually upgraded technology and educational applications in order to support the further integration of technology into the classroom for the purpose of fostering an increase in 21st century teaching and learning through the District's Digital Learning Initiative (DLI). Through this action, the District will regularly assess technological capacity to meet the needs of a high fidelity implementation of state academic content standards and participation in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress.

Action 3002: Instructional Coaching
Ensure teachers of Low Income students and English Learners are provided with increased professional learning enabling them to engage students in rigorous, standards-aligned instruction utilizing best practices for equitable instruction. This action will include the provision of instructional coaching in ELA, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science provided by appropriately assigned, experienced, and effective teachers on special assignment utilizing the Cognitive Coaching model.

Action 3003: Organization-Wide Cultural Proficiency
Provide Low Income students and English Learners with increased access to culturally relevant, responsive, and sustaining instruction and interpersonal interactions with school staff. Provide professional learning for all certificated and classified staff, led by District Equity and English Learner Teachers on Special Assignment, that promotes effective instruction and interpersonal interactions that address key elements of cultural proficiency, including: cross-cultural interactions; cultural differences in communication patterns, and; the role of culture and its impact on learning and student achievement. The services provided through this action will support an increase in students agreeing or strongly agreeing that staff engage them in culturally relevant learning experiences and interpersonal interactions according to Student Equity Survey responses.

Action 3004: CTE Pathways Implementation Support
Provide professional learning and programmatic supports for Career Technical Education (CTE) academies and pathways that align with both industry standards and post-secondary programs of study.  This action will be facilitated by appropriately assigned, experienced, and effective teachers on special assignment and focus on expanding equitable access to high quality CTE instruction for Low Income students. Effectiveness of this action will be demonstrated by improved College and Career Readiness Indicator metrics and increased CTE pathway completion rates.

Action 3005: Co-Teaching Implementation Support
Implement the co-teaching instructional model in order to provide additional academic support and increase academic outcomes for Low Income students in English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Services will include professional learning provided by appropriately assigned, experienced, and effective teachers on special assignment. The professional learning provided through this action is essential for co-teaching pairs, as the development of the 22 core competencies of co-teaching are fundamental to the successful implementation of the co-teaching model (Murawski, 2003).

Action 3006: Educational Technology Instructional Support
Provide Low Income students with educational technology training and access to digitally proficient teachers who are equipped to support the development of students' 21st century learning skills as a means of increasing students' college and career readiness. This action includes the provision of on-site instructional coaching provided by appropriately assigned, experienced, and effective teachers on special assignment as part of the District's Digital Learning Initiative (DLI).

Action 3007: Hiring and Retaining Diverse Staff
Provide Low Income students with access to diverse staff who are versed in culturally relevant, responsive, and sustaining practices. To accomplish this, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will engage in strategic efforts to recruit, hire, and retain diverse staff, including the provision of professional learning and mentorship to hires new to the District.

Action 3008: Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Implementation Support
Provide time and structure for teachers to engage in critical analysis of qualitative and quantitative data to determine the extent to which Low Income students and English Learners have mastered the academic content standards and identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement. This will be accomplished through the implementation of the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) model of collaboration. Administrators and other instructional leaders (Department Chairs, Coordinators, Course Leads, Instructional Coaches) will be trained in the Adaptive Schools Norms of Collaboration in order to effectively lead professional learning relevant to the state academic content and ELD standards, and support Course Teams in establishing and implementing mutually agreed upon student learning goals and outcomes for each course of study. The establishment of Professional learning Communities (PLSc) is noted as a model practice for the implementation of the LCFF 8 state priorities, and therefore, the District has committed to 22 late-start days in order to implement 90-minute collaboration sessions throughout the school year.

Action 3009: Paraprofessional and Classified Support Staff Training
Provide comprehensive professional learning for paraprofessionals and classified support staff to ensure they are equipped to provide culturally appropriate and linguistically accessible supports and resources for our Low Income and English Learner students and families. The trainings provided through this action will meet the needs of Low Income and English Learner students and families for culturally competent support staff who are able to support them in navigating the educational system and in engaging in students' academic experiences.

Action 3010: Supplemental Instructional Materials
Provide Low Income students and English Leaners with culturally relevant and sustaining supplementary instructional materials, as well as Chromebooks from which students can equitably access digital instructional materials. This action will support an increased understanding of cultural diversity by using instructional materials that are consistent with the 2013 guidelines approved by the SBE in Standards for Evaluating Instructional Materials for Social Content.

Action 3011: CV Local Assessment System
Consistently monitor the academic progress of Low Income students, English Learners, and Foster Youth utilizing formative, interim, and summative assessment data to establish instructional priorities, inform classroom instruction, and appropriately place and exit students from intervention and support programs. Teachers will use student performance data to support a relevant and engaging curriculum for students who have traditionally faced barriers to successful transitions to high school, postsecondary, and Career Technical Education (CTE). Services provided through this action will support an increase in the percentage of students demonstrating mastery on local districtwide benchmarks in ELA, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies, as well as an increase in the percentage of students meeting or exceeding standard on the ELA, Mathematics, and Science CAASPP assessments.

Action 3012: Course Access and Academy and Special Programs Support
Increase course access for Low Income students, English Learners, and Foster Youth by increasing staffing to support implementation of College and Career Readiness Academies, Pathways, and Programs and the co-teaching instructional model. Implementation of the 8-period day will also increase students' access to a broad course of study. Additionally, this action will provide release periods for experienced and effective teachers to coordinate college and career academies and special programs to support the effectiveness of these programs in meeting student needs. The services provided through this action will support increases in the following course enrollment rates: A-G, CTE, 4th year Math, 3rd year Science, 4th year World Languages; services will also support an increase in the percentage of students deemed "prepared" or "well prepared" according to the College and Career Readiness Indicator.

Action 3013: Operationalizing the Graduate Profile
Ensure Low Income students have access to educational opportunities that develop not only their college and career skills, but their life competencies as well. To accomplish this, Districtwide Course Teams will work to operationalize the District’s Graduate Profile by aligning coursework to the GP student outcomes to assure that students have an equitable opportunity to develop and demonstrate the competencies articulated by the GP. The District's five GP outcomes are: college and career ready individuals; effective communicators; ethical leaders; independent and collaborative critical thinkers and problem solvers, and; socially aware and responsive community members.

Action 3014: Basic Services - Continuous Improvement Cycle & Data Analysis
Support all schools' engagement in a cycle of continuous improvement as defined by each school's School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and the provision of assessment and data analysis infrastructure.

Action 3015: Basic Services - Teachers
All students have equitable access to appropriately assigned, experienced, and effective teachers.

Action 3016: Basic Services - Instructional Materials
All students have access to and use appropriate grade-level, standards-aligned instructional materials for all content areas.

Action 3017: Basic Services - Facilities
All schools meet standards for safety, cleanliness, and adequacy. Facilities are in good repair, as defined in EC Section 17002 (d)(1) and receive necessary maintenance.

Action 3018: Basic Services - Other
All other Basic Services that do not fall under Actions 3014 - 3017.

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