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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs
We understand and accept that every decision, action, or change must be based on what is best for all students. 

We collaborate to promote a shared responsibility and accountability so that all learners reach their full potential. 

Effective Learning
We provide structured ongoing professional learning to identify and implement best practices so all learners receive targeted and appropriate instruction. 

Guaranteed Curriculum 
We guarantee that all learners will receive a viable and appropriate curriculum so they are college and career ready. 

We commit to establishing meaningful relationships with students, staff, and the EUSD community so that all students are successful. 

We celebrate student and staff achievement throughout our school community. 

We hold students and staff to high academic, behavioral, and professional standards. 
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
We will serve and connect with all students. 
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
Our school community knows the value of working together to build positive and productive relationships. We will maintain high expectations and a rigorous and relevant academic focus for all learners, including students and staff, through purposeful, collaborative relationships. Our school community is highly literate, innovative and understands the need for continuous self-improvement in their pursuit of excellence. We are inspired and prepared to thrive amidst academic, social, and emotional challenges.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Goal 1 - Conditions of Learning
Escalon Unified School District will provide the necessary supports, resources and staffing to make all students Career and College ready by implementing a multi-tiered system of supports that increases student achievement, provides access to a well -rounded education, and exposes students to the rigorous Common Core State Standards. 
  • Priorities: 1 - Basic Services; 2 - Implementation of State Standards; 7 - Course Access

Goal 2 - Student Outcomes
Escalon Unified School District will implement a multi-tiered system of supports that provides access to rigorous academic programs to all students focused on providing the necessary requisite skills for career and college readiness.
  • Priorities: 4 - Student Achievement; 8 - Student Outcomes 

Goal 3 - Engagement
Escalon Unified School District will enlist input and participation from educational partners to create welcoming student-centered learning environments that are effective and engaging. 
  • Priorities: 3 - Parent Involvement; 5 - Student Engagement; 6 - School Climate

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