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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

We promote:

  • professional development, and the tools and resources necessary to be successful educators and leaders.
  • creative, challenging ideas,  innovative solutions, and instructional strategies that inspire and engage career-ready leaders.
  • a rigorous, viable curriculum and assessments aligned to MO Learning Standards.
  • growing community partnerships while working toward common goals.
  • timely communication to staff, students, and stakeholders.
  • an inclusive, collaborative leadership that realizes the mission and vision of the Sullivan School District.
  • all staff and students recognizing and optimizing their full potential to embrace diverse backgrounds, values, and points of view within an inclusive community of equal access to opportunities.
  • a comprehensive multi-tiered system of support to meet the unique needs of all students and staff.
Goals Title Red ArrowMission

All Students Will Learn, Lead, and Succeed!

Goals Title Red ArrowVision
The Sullivan School District provides access to rigorous, innovative, and equitable opportunities within an inclusive, safe, and collaborative community so all students are future-ready.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Effective Teaching & Learning
Pillar Goal 1: Execute innovative research-based teaching and learning practices to develop & engage students and staff

Academic Achievement

Pillar Goal 2: Achieve improved student performance through quality instructional programs

Collaboration, Culture, Community, and Communication
Pillar Goal 3: Grow partnerships through collaborative efforts and open communication to support the mission, vision, and values

Leadership & Governance

Pillar Goal 4: Leverage a proactive, collaborative approach to managing district growth and improving student achievement

Equity & Access
Pillar Goal 5: Establish a systematic plan that recognizes the diverse community we serve

Supports for Success
Pillar Goal 6: Support a comprehensive multi-tiered system that addresses the whole child

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