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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Goal 1: Develop infrastructure to support student learning and success. Strategic Plan - Policy 1108
  1. Provide an environment that is safe for students, staff and community from physical and emotional harm with defined safe school policies and procedures.
  2. Build family/school partnerships to support student learning by engaging families in the education of their children.
  3. Use special education resources and services to maximize inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classrooms and align all special education services through a continuum of services to consistently deliver tiered academic and behavioral interventions.
  4. Develop, implement and monitor a coherent, fair and equitable district-wide student discipline system.
  5. Develop partnerships with the corporate and higher education communities to advance trade, technical, and college opportunities for all students.

Goal 2:Provide all students with equitable access to rigorous curriculum aligned instructional materials and assessments in all subjects and all grade levels. Strategic Plan - Policy 1108
  1. Develop or adopt new, aligned curricula and instructional materials. Curriculum frameworks will clearly articulate effective practices and interventions for all students.
  2. Develop or acquire comprehensive assessment system with training and support for administrators and teachers to use data go guide instruction and measure student learning.
  3. Develop or adopt an instructional framework in which curriculum, assessment, evaluation and professional development are in alignment.
  4. Abandon current instructional initiatives, programs, materials, and other resources that do not directly support district goals.
  5. Create a plan for providing strong Career Technical Education and Science, Technology Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics throughout the district. (CTE and STEAM)
  6. Support all systems that promote post-secondary education concurrently while in the district and upon graduation.

Goal 3: Recruit, develop, support and retain effective educators and school leaders. Strategic Plan - Policy 1108
  1. Develop and implement a teacher and school leader recruitment and selection process that makes it Middleton School District a career destination.
  2. Provide teachers and school leaders with high quality, meaningful professional development.
  3. Build on the current new teacher mentor program to include new veteran teachers in addition to new to the profession instructors in a program that is driven by administrators and teacher leaders.
  4. Recognize teacher and school leader success and provide opportunities for advancement and/or leadership roles.

Goal 4: Build a district culture based on high expectations, respect and co-accountability for performance that recognizes and rewards excellence at all levels of the organization. ( Strategic Plan - Policy 1108)
  1. Provide high quality service to our students and their families. High expectations for excellent customer service are clearly defined for all staff regardless of roles and responsibilities.
  2. Provide a data system, in both the technical side and professional development, to enable data driven decision-making at all levels.
  3. Manage school and district performance utilizing a Continuous Improvement Plan that defines annual measured academic goals.
  4. Become an organization that values and develops talent at all levels.

Goal 5: Communicate effectively with all district stakeholders.
  1. Build trust through dialogue and engagement with parents and families. Use a variety of channels to encourage communication between teachers, school leaders, and families. Every building within a district shall be welcoming and responsive to parents and families.
  2. Improve internal communication within the district. Develop a communication plan that focuses on consistent, clear, and accurate communication between all school staff.
  3. Provide the community with regular reports and information on school and district regarding student achievement.

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