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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Atkinson County has its strategic plan on the district site at
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs
1.     We believe successful schools are a foundation of a community's stability, growth, and
2.     We believe family and community engagement is critical to student and district success.
3.     We believe in a constant and purposeful focus on what is best for students.
4.     We believe creativity and innovation are encouraged and embraced by all stakeholders.
5.     We believe in cultivating a positive environment where students are provided pathways for
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
 Excellence in Academics, Athletics & Arts
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Strategic Goals & Areas of Focus

Area I. Teaching and Learning

1. Provide a high quality instruction.

2. Promote academic growth in all areas.

3. Build student college and career readiness.

4. Build capacity for global competitiveness.

(Vision for Public Education Standards:  4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3)


Area II. Human Capital

1. Acquire and retain high performing people for all positions.

2. Increase capacity for in-house training and succession planning.

(Vision for Public Education Standards:  6.1, 6.3, 6.5)


Area III. Culture, Climate & Organizational Efficacy

1. Maintain safe, orderly, & supportive environment for students, staff,  

    &  community members.

2. Build a positive environment for all.

3. Develop a culture & climate that fosters innovations.

    (Vision for Public Education Standards: 8.1, 8.2, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7)

Area IV. Community Involvement & Engagement

1. Establish and build community perceptions of schools and school district.

2. Increase opportunities for community members to be more active in  

    Atkinson County Schools.

    (Vision for Public Education Standards:  8.3)


Area V. Fiscal Management

1. Maintain effective and efficient financial practices.

2. Maximize federal, state, local and alternate funding sources.

    (Vision for Public Education Standards:  9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7)



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