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Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs


We believe and are committed to…

  • Continuously improving the graduation rate;  An aligned standards-based curriculum, instruction, and assessment that provides for extended learning opportunities for all students; Innovative  learning opportunities in the areas of Fine Arts, CTAE (Career, Technology, Agriculture Education) offerings and Acceleration with emphasis on a broad based  soft skills curriculum to enhance career opportunities for students; Effective teaching that energizes and maximizes active learning for all students; significantly improving the literacy level of all students;  data driven collaborative decision making; Professional growth for all of our colleagues;  Students, parent and community involvement to enhance learning.
Goals Title Red ArrowMission

To stimulate growth in student achievement by continuing efforts to advance the development of all stakeholders-students, parents, staff, and the community.


Goals Title Red ArrowVision

Our vision for Candler County Charter School System is for all students to meet or exceed Georgia Accountability measures (CCRPI), for the graduation rate to continuously improve, 85% and above and for the system to perform on or above state averages in all subject areas.


We will accomplish this vision with high expectations inclusive of acceleration opportunities, high impact Literacy practices, multiple interventions, student, community and parent engagement and alignment from Pre-K-12.


As a result of our success, we will attract high performing teachers and new business and industry, and our graduates will be prepared to continue post-secondary options or pursue gainful employment through a variety of CTAE (Career, Technology, and Agriculture Education) offerings and a broad based soft skills curriculum.

Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals

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