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Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

We believe:

  • that all students are valued individuals with unique physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs who must learn a work ethic and be motivated to become competent, contributing members of society;
  • that excellent teachers, who are caring, knowledgeable, and in control of the learning environment, are the foundation of quality instruction;
  • that students learn best in a safe, comfortable environment with high behavioral standards;
  • that all resources, to include time, people, space, information, budget, and technology, must be focused on student achievement and that through a commitment to innovation and continuous growth, this achievement can be gained from all people and programs; and
  • that strong home, school, and community partnerships are essential in providing each student the support needed to be successful.


Goals Title Red ArrowMission

To ensure that we do everything possible to help each child maximize achievement and establish a pattern of life-long learning. 

Goals Title Red ArrowVision

We envision the Commerce City School System to be a respected system of high achieving schools that provides a safe, orderly, and welcoming environment that fosters mutual respect and that engages students in real-world, relevant, and research based experiences which help them meet or exceed standards.

Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals

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