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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess

Gordon County’s local community leaders, our educators, our parents, our students, and our elected officials believe that the education of our youth is the foundation of success for our community and its economic development.

Throughout this process, we have had the opportunity as a cohesive, inclusive group of stakeholders, to take a candid look at our successes and areas for improvement. Throughout this process, we have strengthened partnerships and mapped out a plan for continued improvement and sustainability of success for our entire district, PreK-12th grade.

Following, the reader will find a five-year master plan outlining how the outcomes of this process will be used to continue the tradition of excellence in our district and to implement a plan of improvement for designated areas of need. This plan reflects the significant investment demonstrated by prominent members of our community to ensure its success. It also provides valuable information on our efforts and accomplishments to date. The district goals utilized in guiding the work of the team focus on ensuring a viable workforce for our community and high- wage jobs for our graduates and are included in detail in the pages to follow.  
Click the Ford NGL Logo below for the entire document:

The strategic plan development process included a diverse set of participants such as parents, community members, students, teachers, school and system administrators, board of education members, and leaders from business, higher education, civic and faith-based groups.

GCS held an Education Summit where stakeholders reviewed data collected from discussion groups to identify possible strengths and opportunities for the system.  
Information from the Education summit was used to develop a set of targeted focus areas, strategies and action steps to inform the system's new strategic plan.

School system leadership under the direction of the Carl Venson Institute of Government developed a strategic planning methodology to chart the strategic direction of the school system from 2020-2025.

Click below for the entire document

Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

Collective Commitments:

  • Quality Education - We are committed to providing a quality education to all students as individuals, recognizing students learn in multiple ways and define success differently.
  • Safe, Nurturing Environment- We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and well-maintained learning environment.
  • Effective Staff - We are committed to hiring, developing, and supporting high quality, effective staff.
  • Continuous Collaboration - We are committed to increased student achievement through continuous collaboration of faculty, staff, students, parents, and our community and by leveraging the expertise and talents of our staff.
  • Ongoing Communication - We are committed to effective, ongoing internal and external communication to build positive relationships with all stakeholders and address individual student progress.
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
Our mission is to build a collaborative culture that engages all students and staff in learning experiences leading to growth, empowerment, and transformation.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
Gordon County Schools is a unified school system with strong community partnerships committed to the growth of all students, individual empowerment and the transformation of public education resulting in graduates ready for college, career, and life.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Strategy 1:  Increase success by addressing specific achievement gaps
Strategy 2: Increase teacher and leader effectiveness
Strategy 3:  Implement systematic student advisement

Strategy 1:  Strengthen and align resources for teaching and learning
Strategy 2:  Expand integration of technology
Strategy 3:  Implement the PLC process system wide




Strategy 1:  Improve outgoing communication
Strategy 2:  Expand opportunities for students, parents, and community partners
Strategy 3:  Strengthen intergovernmental collaboration

Strategy 1:  Operate a continual cycle of improvement for buildings and grounds
Strategy 2:  Maintain safe, clean  learning environments that meet state/system standards
Strategy 3:  Increase efficiency and effectiveness of transportation services

Strategy 1:  Sustain excellent financial stewardship
Strategy 2:  Maintain a healthy fund balance
Strategy 3:  Uphold best practices for financial operation of the system

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