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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowMission

Pulaski County Board of Education will manage the capital and the human resources of the community to create a safe learning environment, recruit and retain the best staff, and achieve excellence in education, preparing our students to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.

Goals Title Red ArrowVision

Pulaski County Board of Education is the catalyst dedicated to reaching the full potential of our schools, businesses, and families.

Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Manage the capital and human resources of the community.
A. Maintain an accountability system with dollars spent to measure performance outcomes. B. Maintain fiduciary responsibilities regarding the integrity of the school system(put the student first in the decision process). C. Maintain a program to identify, promote, recruit, and fund alternative options for instruction, such as outsourcing, adjunct faculty, etc. D. Create a climate that encourages parent, caretaker, teacher, business, and community involvement in the school system. E. Communicate goals with shareholders. F. Keep Board members focused on goals. G. Create a professional learning community at large.

Recruit and retain the best.
A. Utilize a comparison analysis of benefits provided by Pulaski County School System and competitive schools. B. Maintain a reward program for teacher performance. C. Encourage staff professional growth by: Providing educational opportunities; Providing alternative employment practices (i.e.) job sharing, flexible scheduling, effective use of paraprofessionals. D. Maintaining a marketing and recruiting program to identify and recruit the BEST!

Achieve excellence in education.
A. Maintain a balanced educational/extra curricular program. B. Teach skills for success in labor market - job and professional/personal skills. C. Provide recognition for student achievement of individual performance levels/objectives. D. Challenge students beyond the proficience level. E. Prepare students better for the "next step". F. Broaden opportunities/choices. G. Improve management of disruptive elements that impair learning. and H. Define Pulaski County's standards for excellence in education and implement the standards (Student Performance).

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