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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess






Adopted June 9th, 2016

Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs


1. All students can and must learn.

2. Team success is more important than individual wins.

3. Relationships are the core work of education and life.

4. Children need to understand the relevance of education and how learning impacts their lives.

5. Students should have shared decision-making in regards to their learning.

6. Knowledge is not a destination; it is a never-ending journey.

7. The main purpose of education is to develop students’ ability to think critically and integrate ideas, not just accumulate facts.

8. Meaning is constructed, not prescribed.

9. Students learn best when they are actively engaged.

10. Success breeds success. Falling down is ok; staying down is not.

11. Communication is the key to trust, and trust is essential for success.

12. Students need the opportunity for real-life experiences to cement academic learning.

13. True learning does not occur in isolation; it takes place everywhere and all the time.

14. Work ethic and grit are essential components to excellence

Goals Title Red ArrowMission
Mission: The mission of Schley County Schools is to develop productive, responsible young adults that accept nothing but excellence.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
Vision: Schley County Schools will be known for committed stakeholders who nurture and inspire excellence in all facets of students’ lives.  
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Teaching and Learning



Performance Measures

Person Responsible

1. Teachers provide high quality instruction

TKES Observations on Standard 2

School Administrators

2. All stakeholders require learning in all areas by all students

Academic Data, Class Schedule, Discipline plan, Code of Conduct, Purpose Statements, PLC

School Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Coaches

3. All stakeholders promote student learning through engagement in all Academic, Athletic and Extra-curricular activities

Percentage of students involved in Extra Curricular activities

School Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Coaches

4. The school system will integrate technology to help student and teacher productivity and achievement in a global society

New IT policies in student handbook, up to date teacher and student workstations, Professional Learning over new technology, implementation plans, up to date infrastructure

Superintendent, Board of Education, School Administrators, Technology Director, Curriculum Director,

Human Capital


1. All system employees are assessed for effectiveness and have an opportunity for progressive and personalized development

TKES, LKES, Non-certified Evaluation forms

School Administrators, Superintendent, Human Resources Director

2. The school system has a sustainable workforce committed to the System Beliefs

Hiring practices, New Teacher induction programs, Implementing the Wildcat Way, PLC

Human Resources Director, School Administration, Superintendent, Board of Education

Culture, Climate, and Organizational Efficacy


1. The system will maintain a safe, positive, supportive and orderly environment in buildings and on busses

Discipline Data, Incident Report data, Policies, Stakeholder Surveys, Student Surveys, Title Parent Involvement Surveys

School and System Administrators, Board of Education

2. The system will create and engage all instructional leaders in a professional learning community focused on sharing and discussing innovative teaching strategies and philosophies

PLC will be regularly held throughout the school-year

Curriculum Director, School Administrators, Superintendent

3. All system employees will maintain a positive environment that believes in the success of Schley County Schools in everything we do

Stakeholder Surveys, Staff Surveys

School and District Administrators

Community Engagement


1. The school system will foster open lines of communication between all stakeholders to increase student engagement and achievement

Stakeholder participation, Social Media contacts, Stakeholder surveys

School and District Administrators

2. The school system will use traditional as well as technological resources to ensure the effective communication of information

Stakeholder participation, Social Media contacts, Stakeholder surveys

School and District Administrators

Fiscal Management


1. The system will maintain effective and efficient financial practices as required by state law

School and BOE Administrators and Bookkeepers will abide by all BOE policies and legal requirements regarding financial issues

School and District Administrators and bookkeepers

2. The system will maximize federal, state, local, and alternative funding sources to provide the highest level facilities and academic environment possible

School and BOE Administrators and Bookkeepers will abide by all BOE policies and legal requirements regarding financial issues

School and District Administrators and bookkeepers

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