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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs
  1. All students can learn.
  2. Schools, parents, students, and the community are partners in the work of educating our students and must use effective communication to ensure success of all students.
  3. High standards of performance are expected of all students, staff, and the Board of Education.
  4. Teaching should reflect the most current research on student learning.
  5. All learning should be meaningful to students, should require high levels of thinking, and should prepare students for life in a global society.
  6. Teachers should continuously reflect on effective and innovative practices while investigating opportunities for professional growth.
  7. Assessment is a tool for improving instruction.
  8. Schools must maintain an atmosphere of safety, mutual respect, trust, cooperation, and tolerance for differences.
  9. Technology is vital to the educational success of all students and should support and enhance all components of the educational process.
  10. Hiring, retaining, and training of the best staff possible is paramount to student success.
  11. Issues of wellness and appreciation of diversity affect student achievement.
  12. Students who are involved in school and community activities that further develop their talents and interests are more likely to achieve academically and to graduate on time.


Goals Title Red ArrowMission

The mission of the Social Circle City Schools is to provide a premier education for all students.

Goals Title Red ArrowVision

Social Circle City Schools will be a premier school system; providing a world-class education so that all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to lead productive lives in a changing world.

Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
All students, will reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.

All staff will be highly qualified and participating in high quality professional learning.

All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free, and conducive to learning.

All students will graduate from high school prepared for success in post-secondary education and/or the workforce.

All schools will be involved in a variety of parent and community collaborations.

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