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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
The mission of the Tift County school system is to educate, prepare and inspire to reach their fullest potential.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
The Tift County School System prepares our students for tomorrow by building on our tradition of excellence.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Goal #1
The Board will work towards and maintain "Exemplary" status as outlined by Georgia School Boards Association for FY16.

Goal #2
The Board will support the implementation of the Strategic Improvement Plan to ensure high student achievement.

Goal #3
The Board will support the implementation of the Strategic Improvement Plan to foster school culture.

Goal #4
The Board will support the implementation of the Strategic Improvement Plan to optimize stakeholder engagement.

Goal #5
The Board will support the implementation of the Strategic Improvement Plan to promote a high quality workforce.

Goal #6
The board will support the implementation of the Strategic Improvement Plan to develop and maximize operations and efficient use of infrastructure.

Goal #7
The Board will support procedures to maintain a strong financial base.

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