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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

We believe that:

  1. the school system has the obligation to provide an educational program that accounts for and meets the needs of each individual student and provides the opportunity for success.
  2. public education should provide for the development of a responsible citizenship by teaching respect for property and individual rights and a concern for the general welfare of others.
  3. every student should be provided the necessary skills to be a productive citizen in a technological society.
  4. the teacher is the most influential component in a student's learning experience.
  5. community involvement and support are essential to the success of a school.
  6. all students are unique and capable of learning.
  7. public schools should provide health education and recreational opportunities which will produce healthier and happier citizens.
  8. public education should provide extracurricular programs to enable students to develop skills of both leadership and cooperation.
  9. the survival of democracy depends upon a quality public education.
  10. the school environment should be clean, healthy, safe, and conducive to learning.
  11. the teacher must recognize that every person has dignity and worth which must be protected and enhanced.
  12. public schools should be responsive to societal needs.
  13. public education is the responsibility of educators, the community, parents, and students.
  14. schools contribute to the quality of life in the community.
  15. schools should provide all children with the opportunity for cultural growth and development.


Goals Title Red ArrowMission

The mission of the Valdosta City Schools System is to provide all children an opportunity for academic physical, social, and emotional growth and development to the full extent of their abilities, and thereby to foster each student's self-worth by providing meaningful learning experiences in a supportive, safe and healthy educational environment. 

Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Learning Focused Schools
Continue to implement Learning Focused Schools model across the district.

Aspiring Leaders
Develop and implement an Aspiring Leaders program in the district

Credit Recovery
Continue to develop innovative credit recovery models and after school programs that will meet the needs of failing students.

Administrator as Instructional Leader
Develop school administrator's role as an instructional leader in the school providing ongoing professional learning, support, and monitoring for administrators.

Reduce the number of discipline problems at all schools.

Alternative Programs for Dropouts
Reduce the number of dropouts by providing alternative programs for potential dropouts.

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