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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Our desired future state
To be the best school district in our state.
Why we exist
We provide an excellent education for all our students by adhering to our organizational goals.
What we do
To be a valuable asset for our community by preparing our children so that they will be competitive in an ever-changing, unpredictable world.
The non-negotiable family principles that guide us
  • Honesty
  • Focus on what works
  • Transparency
  • Teamwork
  • Mutual respect
  • Persistence 
  • Adaptability
  • Positive approach
  • Commitment 
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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
We will be fiscally responsible with taxpayer money.

We will partner with the community to help children enter school ready to succeed.

Students will read on level by the end of third grade.

We will actively support student transitions.

Students will graduate with the necessary skills to enroll in college and/or a career program of their choice.

Ninety percent of students will attend school at least ninety percent of the time.

Out-of-school suspension numbers will decrease for all student groups.

Students will demonstrate academic progress.

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