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Title # of
Meeting Item(s) 
Arrow Focus Area 1: Continuous Improvement in Governance and Leadership 1.3 Ensure that Board governance policies and procedures are current, fair, published, and consistently implemented.1
Arrow Focus Area 2: Continuous Improvement in Teaching and Learning 2.1 All schools provide high quality, meaningful, rigorous, relevant, equitable and challenging instructional learning experiences that ensure all students develop learning, thinking, and life skills that lead to success.3
Arrow Focus Area 2: Continuous Improvement in Teaching and Learning 2.3 Recruit, train, and retain personnel who strive to be highly effective and desire to be engaged in ongoing professional development of knowledge and skills in order to meet the needs of the overall instructional program.1
Arrow Focus Area 2: Continuous Improvement in Teaching and Learning 2.4 All instructional and program decisions are based on data that is collected, effectively analyzed, and used to improve teaching and learning.1
Arrow Focus Area 3: Continuous Improvement of Facilities, Resources and Support Systems 3.6 Transportation, health/wellness, and nutritional services will be provided and maintained to support high quality instruction and student achievement.1
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