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Statement from Superintendent Woods: Governor Deal Signs Senate Bill 364


Statement from Superintendent Woods: Governor Deal Signs Senate Bill 364


May 3, 2016– Statement from State School Superintendent Richard Woods regarding Governor Deal’s signature ofSenate Bill 364:


"I want to thank Governor Deal for signing Senator Lindsey Tippins’ bill – SB 364 – today. This law will change the landscape of Georgia education by reducing the number of state-mandated tests students must take and by reducing the percentage that student test scores count for teachers’ and leaders’ evaluations. This law will allow our teachers to be creative and teach rather than focus on just a test. I firmly believe this law will help remove many of the barriers that have caused more of our teachers to leave the profession and fewer young people to choose teaching as a profession. I also want to thank all the stakeholders who came together to express their support during the legislative process and for sharing the importance of this legislation with their local legislators.”

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