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Board Vacancy

A Board of Education position is available for an unexpired term which will last through the next Board of Education election dated scheduled for April 3, 2018.  Interested applicants should submit a letter of intent to be considered for the available position  to 

Letters should include a short response to the following areas:

  • Personal data
  • Community involvment
  • School district involvement
  • Previous leadership experinec
  • Why are you interested in serving on the board of Education
  • What strengths/skills you would bring to the Board of Education
  • What you feel the Grandview C4 School District does well
  • What you feel the Grandview c4 School District needs to improve upon


To be eligible for appointment to the Board you must:

  1. Be a citizen of the United States of America.
  2. Be a resident taxpayer of the district.
  3. Have resided in Missouri for a minimum of one year immediately preceding your appointment, if appointed.
  4. Be at least 24 years of age.
  5. Not be delinquent in the payment of any state income taxes, personal property taxes, municipal taxes of real property taxes.
  6. Not have been found guilty of nor pled guilty to a felony under the federal laws of the U.S.A. or a felony under Missouri law.
  7. Not be registered or be required to register as a sex offender under Missouri law.
  8. Have filed all required campaign disclosure reports when applicable with the Missouri Ethics Commission for all previous elections in which you were a candidate.


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