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Brown Act Requirements

NOTICE: The Governor’s March 17, 2020 Executive Order suspended portions of Brown Act regarding providing a physical location for board meetings. The order states that a governing body does not need to make any physical location available for members of the public to participate in the meeting, as long as members of the public can observe and address the meeting by telephone or otherwise electronically.  

The public must still be given proper notice of the meeting: for regular meetings, by posting an agenda at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Posting must occur in a place that is freely accessible to the public and on the agency's website; and special meetings may be called at any time including weekends and holidays, by notice at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Only the business set forth in the notice may be considered at the meeting. View the Executive Order here:

PDF Executive Oder N-29-20-EO-1 3.17.2020.pdf
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