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February Meeting Recap


Release Date: 

February 16, 2024

The Board met on February 14 and 15 to swear-in a new member, Ron Mabry (from Kennewick), discuss learning standards review, the current legislative session, and to adopt rules about private schools and charter public schools. 

Find the agenda, supporting materials, and links to TVW’s video footage of the meeting on SBE’s meeting site


New Member – On February 14, Ron Mabry was sworn-in as the Eastern WA - Region 1 elected member. Ron’s experience in Kennewick taught him how educators are grappling with a formidable task – advancing academic standards in the face of burgeoning enrollments and shrinking financial support. As a former President of the Washington State School Directors’ Association, he worked to ensure students, parents, and educators—all have a role in the governance of our education system. Ron has had success in proposing legislative amendments that range from funding and special education to security and free meals. In his new role on the State Board, Ron brings leadership expertise and experience that will help the Board improve schools for all students. 

Ron lives in Kennewick with his wife, Devon. Their two sons, Zack and Isaac, went to Kennewick schools. 

Legislative Update – Staff updated the Board on the status of priority bills following the house of origin cutoff. 

Learning Standards Review – Board members welcomed guests from OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction) to learn more about the ongoing standards review process that they are undertaking. The Superintendent of Public Instruction notified the State Board of Education in December 2022 of the initiation of a process to review state learning standards in English language arts, math, and science. 

School Recognition – Staff updated the Board on the status of the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school recognition cycles. The next school recognition is expected to occur near the end of the 2023-24 school year.  

Private Schools – The Board approved private schools for the 2023-24 school year. They also adopted private school rules that implement legislation passed in 2023.  

Charter Schools – The Board adopted charter school rules that implement legislation passed in 2023 regarding the administration and oversight of charter schools. In addition, changes clarify certain provisions in rule and reduce administrative burden for authorizers.  

Upcoming Board Meeting 

The next meeting is scheduled for April 10-11 in Tacoma. The Board has shifted its meetings calendar to come together on even months of the year. The agenda and materials will be posted one week before the meeting. 

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