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Graduation Rate Highest Since 2014

Students in Rock Hill Schools continue to improve academically according to data released today on the South Carolina Department of Education’s annual school report cards.

Among other highlights in the report, the class of 2020 recorded the highest graduation rate since 2014. The 85.1% graduation rate represents 1,125 students that completed all requirements within four years. Rock Hill Schools’ graduation rate exceeded the state averages for a number of different subgroups, including students with disabilities, Black/African-American students, American Indian/Alaska Native students, and students in poverty. Although statewide, white students graduated at a higher rate than Black/African-American students by 7.9 percentage points, the district showed no such gap; in fact, Rock Hill Schools’ Black/African-American students graduated at a slightly higher rate than white students in 2019-2020.

Superintendent Dr. Bill Cook is “very pleased to see the continuous rise with our graduation rate over the past two years.”

“One of the most important purposes and mission of a school and school district is to successfully graduate each one of its students ready for post-secondary work or school,” he added. “Rock Hill School District has made great strides over the past two years to do just that. Our teachers and administrators work collaboratively with our students and their families to ensure our students are prepared and informed of opportunities that exist beyond high school.”

Formal conversations start as early as middle school with students, parents, and guidance counselors through the Individual Graduation Plans students and parents establish for high school. This critical process is important to provide our students and families with information and expectations not just for high school but for post-secondary success, too.  

“Our goal is to have 100% of our students graduate on time,” Cook said. “In the meantime, we will continue increasing the number of students each year who are College and Career Ready. I am also proud of the Class of 2020 as they accumulated over $34 million dollars in scholarships and grants. We are very excited in Rock Hill Schools to recognize and celebrate these achievements of our students, their families and our staff members.”
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