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CCPS to commence kindergarten registration process



Department of Communications




For Immediate Release

Contact: Charles White


CCPS Communications

Telephone: (770) 472-8437


May 3, 2011



CCPS to commence kindergarten registration process

First opportunity to register children scheduled for May 9


JONESBORO - Parents and/or guardians residing in Clayton County will be able to register their children who are eligible to attend kindergarten beginning Monday, May 9, 2011.


Registration will commence at 31 elementary schools, two primary schools, and one K-8 school throughout the district on that Monday. The only exceptions are Kemp Elementary and Mt. Zion Elementary schools which serves grades three through five. Daily registration will take place from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and from 12 noon to 2 p.m. each day through Wednesday May 18. Extended hours will be offered at all sites on Thursday, May 12, (1 p.m. to 7 p.m.).


A special family night event has been scheduled for May 12 beginning at 6 p.m. The “Kindergarten Kick-Off Family Night” will feature a PowerPoint presentation on kindergarten, informational flyers, and summer learning packets. Registration will continue, as needed, during the meeting.


To be eligible for kindergarten, children must be five years of age on or before September 1, 2011. Parents and/or guardians interested in registering their children for kindergarten at your child’s home school during this period should bring the following information:


¨       The child’s original certified birth certificate

¨       The child’s social security card or waiver

¨       A current ear, eye, and dental screening form (Form 3300)

¨       Current immunization records (Form 3231)

¨       Two proofs of residency (example: power bill, gas bill, mortgage book, current signed lease)


Parents and/or guardians needing to determine which school is their child’s home school may do so by going on the Internet to or by calling 770-473-2700. Parents and/or guardians with questions pertaining to kindergarten registration may call 678-817-3103.



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