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Support Fayette’s Public Schools at Truett’s Luau July 31

Stop by Truett’s Luau on Highway 54 in Fayetteville on July 31 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and help support Fayette’s teachers and students with your purchase. Simply tell the cashier that you are there to support “Educator Spirit Day” and a portion of the sale will benefit the Fayette County Education Foundation, a nonprofit organization supporting the county’s school system since 2002.


The Fayette County Education Foundation is a 501(C) 3 nonprofit organization that solely supports the Fayette County Public School System by providing funding that enhances the academic achievement and advancement of students and teachers. Since 2002, the Foundation has put thousands of dollars into Fayette County’s classrooms in the form of teacher grants. Visit to learn more.


The Foundation will award its first-ever teacher STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Science) grant requests this October. Many of our schools are in the process, or preparing to start the process, to become STEM certified through the Georgia Department of Education. The Foundation's goal is to assist schools with the purchase of items and equipment needed to facilitate STEM-related projects and programs. Grant awards will range from $200-500 per teacher.
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