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New Teachers Learn about School System at Induction


Over 180 teachers new to Fayette County Schools kicked-off their first year with the school system at New Teacher Induction held July 27-29. This is the largest group of new teachers hired by the system in the past several years due to budget reductions. Now, with the budget in sound financial shape, the Fayette County Board of Education has restored previous cuts, bringing back teaching positions across the system.


Fayette’s new teachers represent a mix of educators with varying degrees of experience from those who are about to start their first year of teaching to veterans who have taught for over 20 years.


A breakfast for them and their principals jump-started the induction at Sandy Creek High on Monday. Board of Education Chairman Marion Key and Superintendent Dr. Joseph Barrow officially welcomed the new educators. Later, the teachers were informed about the high expectations of being a Fayette County teacher, and participated in workshops covering topics they need to know to have a successful year.


The second and third days of New Teacher Induction took place at the LaFayette Educational Center where the teachers attended curriculum workshops, and sessions covering the standards of the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES), the performance measure used in Georgia to evaluate teachers.

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