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New system to prepay school meals online!

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Parents of students in the Sample District Schools can now log onto and prepay for their child's or adult meals using their MasterCard or Visa, reports our Director of School Nutrition Jeff Daniels. 



Parents and staff without Internet access can call a toll free number (800-479-3531) to receive an application to pay by phone or fax, Enrolling is simple and completed online. Once you set up the customer's account, you can check balances, view student purchases, set spending limits and fund your student's account from your computer, phone or fax. Personal and payment card information is protected by the most advanced internet security.You can even set up a recurring payment option so that money will always be in your child's account. When a low balance is reached, money is automatically deposited.

To enroll, go to and click ENROLL NOW. Create an account for your student or yourself (staff). You'll also need the student's ID number, date of birth, school and grade.You may also call the toll-free customer support center at 1-800-479-3531 for questions or assistance with enrollment. Support personnel are available Monday - Friday from 8 am ET - 7 pm ET. Parents may continue to pay at school by check or cash.

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