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CC District Strategic Improvement Plan 2022-23

7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023
Red Label No Change or Declined
Yellow Label Progress but did not meet
Green Label Meets or Exceeds

Strategic Goal Area I. Student Achievement

Performance ObjectivesPerformance Measures 2020 2021 2022 2023
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual
Improve Student Mastery of CurriculumGrade 3 ELA: % DP&D N/A COVID 40% 43% 45% - 45% -
Grade 4 ELA: % DP&D N/A COVID 40% 38% - - - -
Grade 5 ELA: % DP&D N/A COVID 40% 42% - - - -
Grade 6 ELA: % DP&D N/A COVID 40% 38% - - - -
Grade 7 ELA: % DP&D N/A COVID 40% 35% - - - -
Grade 8 ELA: % DP&D N/A COVID 40% 46% - - - -
Grade 3 Math: % DP&D N/A COVID 50% 51% - - - -
Grade 4 Math: % DP&D N/A COVID 50% 49% - - - -
Grade 5 Math: % DP&D N/A COVID 50% 44% - - - -
Grade 6 Math: % DP&D N/A COVID 38% 36% - - - -
Grade 7 Math: % DP&D N/A COVID 38% 38% - - - -
Grade 8 Math: % DP&D N/A COVID 38% 35% - - - -
Grade 5 Science: % DP&D N/A COVID 50% 52% - - - -
Grade 8 Science: % DP&D N/A COVID 30% 28% - - - -
Grade 5 Social Studies: % DP&D - - - - - - - -
Grade 8 Social Studies: % DP&D N/A COVID 37% 37% - - - -
9th Grade Lit : % DP&D - - - - - - - -
American Lit: % DP&D N/A COVID 38% 42% - - - -
Algebra I: % DP&D N/A COVID 37% 37% - - - -
US History: % DP&D N/A COVID 40% 42% - - - -
Biology: % DP&D N/A COVID 40% 41% - - - -
Ensure Nationally Competitive StudentsGrade 5 ELA: % Distinguished N/A COVID 12% 6% - - - -
Grade 8 ELA: % Distinguished N/A COVID 11% 9% - - - -
9th Grade Lit & Comp: % Distinguished - - - - - - - -
American Lit: % Distinguished N/A COVID 12% 9% - - - -
Grade 5 Math: % Distinguished N/A COVID 16% 13% - - - -
Grade 8 Math: % Distinguished N/A COVID 10% 10% - - - -
Advanced Placement Enrollment: # N/A COVID 1000 937 - - - -
Dual Enrollment: # 3500 3851 3500 3413 - - - -
AP scores 3 or above: % 40% 44% 40% 38% - - - -
SAT scores: Average Composite Score 1030 1009 1030 1041 - - - -
ACT scores: Average Composite Score 19.8 19.7 19.8 19.8 - - - -
Increase Student SuccessGraduation Rate: % 90% 95.1% 90% 93.3% - - - -
Ninth Graders on Track for Graduation: % 85% 89% 88% 89% - - - -
Graduates as Pathway Completors: % 95% 98.31% 95% 98.41% - - - -
White Sub-group Targets Met: # - - - - - - - -
Black Sub-group Targets Met: # - - - - - - - -
Hispanic Sub-group Targets Met: # - - - - - - - -
Economically Disadvantaged Sub-group Targets Met: # - - - - - - - -
SWD Sub-group Targets Met: # - - - - - - - -
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