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Cook County Strategic Improvement Plan

7/1/2019 - 6/30/2024
Red Label No Change or Declined
Yellow Label Progress but did not meet
Green Label Meets or Exceeds

Strategic Goal Area I. Student Success (E3 = Enroll, Enlist, Employ)

Performance ObjectivesPerformance Measures 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual
Increase Mastery of Georgia Standards of ExcellenceIncrease content mastery to exceed state average in ELA 3-5 Base 43.79% 50% 49.80 - - Base 46.81
Increase content mastery to exceed state average in ELA 6-8 Base 52.84%% 58% 60.22 - - Base 57.71
Increase content mastery to exceed state average in ELA (9th Lit, Am Lit) (70.38) Base 53.6% 59% 60.60 - - Base 60.87
Increase content mastery to exceed state average in Math 3-5 Base 51.76% 59% 49.80 - - Base 53.97
Increase content mastery to exceed state average in Math 6-8 Base 60.23% 64% 60.21 - - Base 57.71
Increase content mastery to exceed state average in Math (Alg 1 and Geometry) 2018-2019, 2019-2020 2019-2020 Alg 1 Base 48.41% 53% 53.27 - - Base 63.04
Increase content mastery to exceed state average in 5th science (61.89) Base 50.01% 53% 56.31 - - Base 50.63
Increase content mastery to exceed state average in 8th science (60.92) Base 49.99% 53% 62.45 - - Base 45.43
Increase content mastery to exceed state average in Science (PS and Biology)2018-2019, 2019-2020) (65.31) 2021-2022 Bio only Base 54.67% 55% 55.06 - - Base 67.01
Increase content mastery to exceed state average in 5th Social Studies (59.96) Base 47.33% 51% 41.23 - - - -
Increase content mastery to exceed state average in 8th Social Studies (67.18) Base 57.66% 61% 69.62 - - Base 56.07
Increase number of students scoring above Lexile target (670, 840, 920) in grades 3-5 (50.65) Base 35.2% 40% 36.28 - - Base 34.75
Increase content mastery to exceed state average in Social Studies (US History and Economics 2018-2019,2019-2020)) (70.23) US History 69.70 Base 62.14% 65% 70.65 - - Base 69.70
Increase number of students scoring above Lexile target in 9-12 (62.86) Base 49.04% 54% 55.38 - - Base 51.21
Increase % of SWD students scoring Proficient and Distinguished on ELA Milestones in grades 3-5 (20.44) Base 9.26% 12% 11.83 - - Base 14.69
Increase number of students scoring above Lexile target (997, 1045, 1097) in grades 6-8 (59.91) Base 50.07% 53% 54.96 - - Base 41.96
Increase amount of qualified staff by 3% (based on the number of fully qualified new hires ) Base 84% 87% 86.3% 90% 90% 93% 90%
Increase satisfactory ratings of quality professional learning to classified staff by 3% (based on survey data) N/A N/A Base 91.65% 94.39% 100% 97.22% 100%
Increase satisfactory ratings of quality professional learning to certified staff by 3% (based on survey data) N/A N/A Base 88.18% 90.82% 95.5% 93.54% 94.79%
Obtain 95%+ retention rate of highly effective teachers (based on TKES ratings of Proficient or above) Base 83% 95% 88% 95% 91% 95% 92%
Increase satisfactory ratings of quality professional learning to non-certified staff by 3% (based on survey data) N/A N/A Base 0 80% 100% 82.4% 100%
Increase retention rate of highly effective teachers with less than 5 years experience by 3% of the gap (based on TKES ratings of Proficient or above) Base 71% 73.13% 77.2% 75.32% 82% 77.58% 83%
Increase % of teacher/staff/administrator satisfaction based on CCRPI School Climate Survey by 3% of the gap Base 75.7% 77.9% - 80.2% - 82.6% -
Develop a Rigorous and Consistent Curriculum for All StudentsIncrease % of SWD students scoring Proficient and Distinguished on ELA Milestones in grades 3-5 (20.44) Base 9.26% 12% 11.83 - - Base 14.69
Increase number of students scoring above Lexile target (997, 1045, 1097) in grades 6-8 (59.91) Base 50.07% 53% 54.96 - - Base 41.96
Increase % of SWD students scoring Proficient and Distinguished on ELA Milestones in grades 9-12 (16.01) Base 10.2% 13% 7.50 - - Base 4.76
Increase % of SWD scoring Proficient and DIstinguished on Math Milestones in grades 3-5 (24.73) Base 8.33% 13% 13.98 - - Base 16.05
Increase % of SWD students scoring Proficient and Distinguished on ELA Milestones in grades 6-8 (17.65) Base 13.19% 15% 10.76 - - Base 13.95
Increase % of SWD scoring Proficient and DIstinguished on Math Milestones in grades 6-8 (19.76) Base 16.48% 18% 11.08 - - Base 13.95
Increase % if SWD scoring Proficient and Distinguished on Math Milestones in grades 9-12 (13.65) Base 6.9% 9% 3.85 - - Base 11.11
Increase number of students enrolled in HIgh School Courses at Cook Middle School N/A N/A Base 138 - - - -
Increase number of students enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) classes at Cook High School Base 31 - 39 - 43 - 21
Increase number of students enrolled in Dual Enrollment classes at Cook High School Base 169 - 138 - 91 - 127
Develop Systemic Assessment PracticesIncrease number of teachers meeting requirements of district-mandated grading procedures N/A N/A Base - - - - -
Increase % of students meeting benchmark goals on district-created assessments N/A N/A Base - - - - -
Increase % of student academic grades aligning with GMAS Performance Level Indicators N/A N/A Base - - - - -
Increase % of students whose MTSS data aligns with GMAS Performance Level Indicators N/A N/A - - - - - -
Prepare Students for College & Career SuccessIncrease the high school graduation rate Base 89.88% 90.88% 89.10 91.88% - Base 96.9
Improve soft skills for all students (community, teacher surveys) N/A N/A Base - - - - -
Improve daily activities to ensure students' personal and financial success (student surveys grades 9-12) 2022-2023 All students take Econ which has added Personal finance to the standards N/A N/A Base - - - - -
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